Thursday, 7 August 2014

Lorena Carrington

I was asked if I could interview and write up an article on Lorena Carrington with the exibition she has as part of the Write on the Fringe Festival.
Here's what was written....

Lorena Carrington in “Write on the Fringe Festival”
(suggested headline for media: Brave Girls on Display)

Lorena Carrington is a local photographer who focuses primarily on strong girls in fairy tales. Her work is on display in the main foyer of the Bendigo Library as part of the “Write on the fringe festival” until the 31 August. Although this is the first time Lorena has shown her work locally in Bendigo, she has had work shown in her hometown of Castlemaine previously and hopes to again next year. 

Strong girls in fairy tales are not often captured, but Lorena Carrington has created the images from stories that have been overlooked in the golden age of fairy tales and exhibits them in her work “Stepping from the shadows: Brave girls of fairytales”. A mother of two young girls, Lorena wanted them to know that women didn’t always have to be the damsel in distress and that fairy tales exist for strong, independent girls on adventure. 

Lorena’s photography is breathtakingly eerie and beautiful all at the same time. Lorena uses digital montaging to create her works, adding to the feeling of fairy tale ideals. Her daughters are used a lot in her work as they are her inspiration behind what she does. Lorena’s next challenge is to collate an anthology of short stories about strong girls in fairy tales throughout history, finding that most so far have come from places like Scotland and Ireland. 

For more information please contact the Bendigo Library (03) 5449 2700 or the festival website at

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